Ramping up a Home Health Care organization can be a daunting and costly task. We put our relationships and networks to work for you, so you can hit the ground running.

Year-Over-Year Recommended Growth

for healthcare start-ups

AZA specializes in growing small businesses into multi-million dollar organizations by identifying opportunities and implementing tried-and-true growth strategies.


Strategic Planning

  • Custom analysis of your organization’s value benefit vis-à-vis geographic, services, facilities and quality of care
  • Marketplace positioning vis-à-vis competitors, industry trends, and the community you serve
  • Policy and procedures development to ensure compliance and minimize risk
  • Streamlined operations and clinical program development with a focus on cost containment


Mergers & Acquisitions

  • Programs designed exclusively for acquisition
  • Assistance with valuation, due diligence, accounting and legal issues
  • Brokering relationships for growth opportunities including sales, partnerships, and expanded business models


Contract Development

  • Increased network enrollment to gain access to a large population of patient-members
  • Contract management and rate negotiation to ensure optimal reimbursements